G Media Studios’ Animation “Keffa The Curious Goat” Gains International Acclaim.√√√Newzspy. G Media Studios, an animation studio renowned for its innovative storytelling, is thrilled to...
Fidelity Bank Partners with Mastercard to Revolutionize Cross-Border Payments with ‘Fidelity Send’.√√√Newzspy. Fidelity Bank Plc, a leading commercial bank in Nigeria, has teamed up...
EMERGING VOICES AND INSPIRING CHANGE THROUGH FILM.√√√√Newzspy. Remember the first time you went to the cinema for the first time, the flickering lights, the complete...
Moses Babatope Unveils Multi-Million Dollar Investment/Funding Film Venture – Nile Media Entertainment Group.√√√Newzspy. Group CEO, Moses Babatope has announced the launch of the Nile Media Entertainment...