G Media Studios’ Animation “Keffa The Curious Goat” Gains International Acclaim.√√√Newzspy. G Media Studios, an animation studio renowned for its innovative storytelling, is thrilled to...
CSR-in-Action to Host 13th SITEI Conference Focused on “Extractives for Green Growth”.√√√Newzspy. CSR-in-Action, a leading international sustainability advocacy and consulting firm, is set to host...
Fidelity Bank Partners with Mastercard to Revolutionize Cross-Border Payments with ‘Fidelity Send’.√√√Newzspy. Fidelity Bank Plc, a leading commercial bank in Nigeria, has teamed up...
“Victor Osimhen Secures Loan Move to Galatasaray No Buy Option Included”√√√Newzspy. In a surprising turn of events, Nigerian striker Victor Osimhen is set to join...
NIMC DG Highlights the Crucial Role of Birth Registration in Nigeria’s Digital Identity Development.√√√Newzspy. The Director-General and CEO of the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC), Engr....
BUA Cement’s Attempt to Reduce Cement Prices to N3,500 Per Bag Thwarted by Dealers’ Actions, Says Chairman AbdulSamad Rabiu. “BUA Cement’s Price-Cut Plan Undermined by Dealers...
FCCPC Issues One-Month Ultimatum for Traders to Slash Prices Nationwide.√√√Newzspy. In a decisive move aimed at curbing the rampant inflation affecting consumers across Nigeria, the...
Federal Government Recovers Over 83 Billion Naira, $609 Million, and €5.4 Million Through Whistleblowing Policy, Plans to Re-Present Bill to National Assembly. The Federal Government...
NCC Announces Final Deadline for NIN-SIM Linkage Compliance: September 14, 2024.√√√Newzspy. The Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC) has issued a final reminder regarding the mandatory linkage of...
JAMB to Enforce Age Limit: Candidates Under 18 to Be Barred from Writing Exams Starting 2025 – Education Minister.√√√Newzspy. In a significant policy shift set to...